About minx

I see the word minx in almost every romance novel I read and have the same reaction each time: who uses that word?
Has anyone ever used that word in real life?

About dogs

Dogs seem to be the go to animal in romance novels. Men who have dogs, women who have dogs, women who love men who have dogs. You get the picture.
Thinking about giving one of my characters a cat.
Just because I can.

P.S. I do like dogs. 🙂

Writing is hard!

Plotting is finished for Ezra’s story, first two chapters are in draft and already I’m ready to change it all.

Photo copyright 2019 by Payton Harlie, all rights reserved.

Growing a blog

Besides the writing, which is hard enough, there are a multitude of things that are to be done.

Searching for a theme is absurdly time consuming. There are so many to look at and consider.
Coming up with topics for the posts. I’ll need a list.
Taking pictures for the posts. That means reminding myself to be aware and capture what I see.

There is more.
But this is a start.


Welcome to the home of my future books.
They are only drafts at the moment, but each day brings me a little closer to their being real.
Learning to write them has turned into quite the journey and I hope to share of bit of that along the way.
Thanks for dropping by!